Niklas Zennström är superentreprenören som startade Skype 2003 och sålde det Zennström Philantropies, som han driver tillsammans med sin fru Catherine 


15 sep. 2008 — Skype-grundaren Niklas Zennström har skänkt 30 miljoner kronor till Niklas Zenntröms fru Catherine Zennström är ordförande, disponerar är 

Its mission is to support and engage with organisations that fight for human rights, work to stop climate change and encourage entrepreneurship to protect our natural environment and allow those who In 2009, Zennström was part of the investment consortium that bought Skype Technologies from eBay and re-joined the Skype board. Currently, Zennström runs Atomico. Based in London, the firm primarily invests in fast growing tech companies with the ability to transform their respective industries. 52 SUPER SERIES Facts. Quantum Racing & Azzurra are the only two teams to have won a 52 SUPER SERIES championship. Quantum won in 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2018, and Azzurra were winners in 2012, 2015, 2017 and 2019. Catherine Zennström, Producer: Ellis.

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Jussi Björling. John F. Kennedy Pernilla Andersson. Niklas Zennström. Platypus Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Niklas Zennstrom: Skype founder pioneers electric yacht - CNN. French President Emmanuel Catherine Zennström › 52 SUPER SERIES - Pure Performance  Catherine Zennström › 52 SUPER SERIES - Pure Performance. Niklas Zennström French President Emmanuel Macron & Niklas Zennström FT Tech Tonic:  Gillian Tans, VD,; Niklas Zennstrom, grundare och koncernchef, Dara Khosrowshahi, VD, Uber; Catherine Guillouard, VD, RATP; Tim Collins,  Catherine Tate and Little Britain - Red Nose Day 2009 - Comic Relief - BBC Niklas Zennstrom, Founder Skype & Atomico and Sebastian Siemiatkowski,  Niklas Zennstrom, Founder Skype & Atomico and Sebastian Siemiatkowski, The Brand New Testament Official International Trailer 1 (2016) - Catherine  Skypegrundaren hade ett mål: "Bli rik på internet" | Nyheter johansson axel - AbeBooks. Petter Zennström | Dan Backman Musik Konst.

25 nov. 2011 — Niklas Zennström har tjänat 10 miljarder kronor genom konststycket att Hans hustru Catherine Zennström var då sedan flera år engagerad i 

Past and present positions of Catherine Suzanne Zennstrom. List of companies where Catherine Suzanne Zennstrom holds appointments. Catherine Zennström, Producer: Ellis. This January, put your resolutions on hold and dive into some great streaming picks.

6 okt. 2010 — Niklas and Catherine Zennstrom's (SWE) Rán (GBR) sailing team, winners of the 2009 Rolex Fastnet Race and current MiniMaxi class world 

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Inga sändningar.

I dag ägnar han sig bland annat åt att försöka rädda världen. Zennström Philantropies, som han driver tillsammans med sin fru Catherine Zennström, samarbetar med välgörenhetsorganisationer runt om i världen för att bekämpa klimatproblemet och hot mot de mänskliga rättigheterna.
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Philanthropists' Council Member.

London, where Zennstrom lives with his wife, Catherine, leads the way as  ZP Foundation was created in 2007 by Catherine and Niklas Zennstrom. Zennström Philanthropies supported VoxPublic in 2016, 2017 and 2018. In 2007, he co-founded Zennström Philanthropies with his wife, Catherine.
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Loren Abdulezer ⋅ Susan Abdulezer ⋅ Howard Dammond ⋅ Niklas Zennstrom Ben Shneiderman ⋅ Catherine Plaisant ⋅ Maxine Cohen ⋅ Steven Jacobs 

London, where Zennstrom lives with his wife, Catherine, leads the way as  ZP Foundation was created in 2007 by Catherine and Niklas Zennstrom. Zennström Philanthropies supported VoxPublic in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

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Niklas Zennstrom, Swedish e-commerce entrepreneur who, with Janus Friis, Niklas and his wife, Catherine, established Zennström Philanthropies in 2007 to 

Organisationen hjälper till att finansiera andra verksamheter  19 feb. 2015 — Mer om Zennströms och HRW: Niklas and Catherine Zennström founded Zennström Philanthropies in 2007. Its work focuses on human rights,  Niklas Zennström förmögenhet uppskattas till cirka 10 miljarder kronor. Maka: Catherine Zennström Hur lång är Niklas Zennström: 187 centimeter lång 1 aug. 2013 — Niklas har tillsammans med sin fru Catherine grundat Zennström Philantropies som stödjer verksamheter och projekt som främjar  17 okt.

Geniförklarade mångmiljardären Niklas Zennström rör sig bland världens mest kända investerare, lever lyxliv och räddar världen.

Its mission is to support and engage with organisations that fight for human rights, work to stop climate change and encourage entrepreneurship in order to protect our natural environment and allow those who live in it to realize their full potential. Catherine Zennström, "is chair and co-founder of Zennström Philanthropies, established in 2007 by Catherine and her husband Niklas. Zennström Philanthropies' engagement is centred around human rights and climate change. Catherine focuses on the human rights portfolio as well as promoting best practice in philanthropy.

This January, put your resolutions on hold and dive into some great streaming picks.